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  • Use this domain for words related to smelling something.

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  • What words refer to smelling something? smell, scent (v), get a whiff of, catch a whiff of. What words refer to deliberately trying to smell something? smell, sniff, snuff, savor. What words refer to the ability to smell? sense of smell, a good nose. What words describe something that has to do with smelling? olfactory. What words refer to the smell of something? smell, odor, scent, whiff, fume, essence, aroma, bouquet, fragrance. What words indicate that something smells like another thing or smells a particular way? smell like, smell of, smell (good/bad), have a (good/bad) smell, (good/bad) smelling, give off a smell. What words refer to smelling good? smell good, smell nice. What words refer to smelling bad? smell bad, smell, stink, reek, stink the place up. What words describe something that smells good? fragrant, aromatic, sweet-smelling, fresh, perfumed, delectable, delicious, nice, scented, wonderful. What words describe something that smells bad? smelly, stinking, acrid, body odor, awful, fetid, foul, foul-smelling, fusty, malodorous, moldy, musty, noisome, pungent, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, rotten. What words refer to a good smell? scent, perfume, fragrance, aroma, bouquet. What words refer to a bad smell? smell (n), odor, stench, stink, reek, halitosis. What words do people use to say that something smells bad? phew, PU, yuck. What words describe something that can be smelled easily? strong, powerful, pungent, heady, redolent. What words describe something that cannot be smelled easily? faint. What words describe something that has no smell? odorless, inodorous, inodorousness, scentless. What words refer to something beginning to smell? start to smell. What words refer to something not smelling any longer? lose its smell. What words refer to a smell spreading? waft, dissipate. What words refer to getting rid of a smell? get rid of that smell, air out a room, deodorize, mask a scent. What things do people use to get rid of or cover up a bad smell? perfume, deodorant, deodorizer, incense, scent, air-freshener. What words refer to holding your nose so you don't smell something? hold your nose.


  • 2.3.4


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