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States > Big > Thick > Thin person

Preferred term person  


  • Use this domain for words describing a person or animal who is thin.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe someone who is thin? thin, slight. What words describe someone who is very thin? emaciated, skeletal, be skin and bones, underweight, gaunt. What words describe someone who is thin and tall? lanky, spindly, rangy. What words describe someone who is thin and attractive? slim, slender, trim, willowy, keep your figure, dapper, svelte. What words describe someone who is thin and not attractive? skinny, bony, scrawny, scraggy, angular. What words describe someone who is thin and strong? lean, wiry. What words refer to someone who is thin? scarecrow, skeleton, bag of bones. What words refer to someone becoming thin? lose weight, slim, shed (ten) pounds, waste away, get thin. What words refer to being thinner than another person? thinner, thinnest. What words describe a face that is thin? pinched, drawn, gaunt, hollow cheeks. What words refer to a thin stomach? flat stomach. What words refer to trying to become thin? try to lose weight, watch your weight, watch your figure, diet, be on a diet, go on a diet, slim (v).




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