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Physical actions > Move > Pursue > Prevent from moving

Preferred term from moving  


  • Use this domain for words referring to preventing someone or something from moving.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving? prevent, immobilize, keep, restrain, control, quarantine, restrict. What words refer to preventing someone from moving by holding them? hold, hold down, restrain, pin someone down, seize. What words refer to preventing someone from moving by tying them? handcuff, shackle, tie up, bind, binding. What words refer to preventing someone from moving by putting them in an enclosure? lock up, cage, confine, contain, corral, shut up, trap. What words refer to preventing someone from moving by getting in their way? block, check, hem in, blockade, get in the way. What things are used to prevent someone from moving? handcuffs, shackles, restraint, cage, restraint. What words describe someone who is being prevented from moving? be under restraint, bound, captive, in confinement, held, limited, restricted.




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