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Person > Body > Head > Ear

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words related to the ear.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to an ear? ear. What are the parts of the ear? earlobe, lobe, inner ear, eardrum, tympanum, Eustachian tube, auditory nerve, canal, cochlea. What words describe a person's ears? stick out. What do the ears do? hear. What words refer to the ears moving? wiggle. What do people do to their ears? scratch, pick (your ear), clean, cup (put hand behind to help hearing), pierce (for earrings). What do people do to their ears so they won't hear something? plug your ears, cover your ears, stuff cotton in your ears, stick your fingers in your ears, earplugs. What do the ears produce? wax, earwax. What do people use to clean their ears? Q-tip. What words describe something to do with the ears? aural.




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