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States > Quantity > Plural > Many, much

Preferred term, much  


  • Use this domain for words indicating that there are many things or people, or that there is much of something.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words indicate that there is a large amount of something? a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a fair bit of, a fair amount of, much, loads of, tons of, masses of, scads of, piles of, heaps of, stacks of, a mountain of, extensive, widespread, big amount, lots and lots. What words indicate that there are a large number of things or people? a lot of, lots of, many, many of, a large number of, large numbers of, plenty of, loads of, tons of, masses of, scads of, a bunch of, dozens of, numerous, a host of, quite a few, a wide range of, a raft of, multi-, multiple, a multitude of, considerable, goodly number, plethora, profuse, oodles, scores of. What words indicate that there are a very large number of things or people? hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, a great many, countless, innumerable, overwhelming, myriad. What words indicate that many things are happening? flood of, wave of, deluge of, avalanche of, stream, torrent. What words indicate that many bad things are happening? spate of, epidemic, rash of, wave, be a hotbed of. What words indicate that many people are doing something? in large numbers, in droves, in force, in strength, thick and fast, be dying like flies, be dropping like flies. What words describe something that many people are doing? common, popular, widespread, widely. What words indicate that someone does something a lot? a lot, a good deal, a great deal, quite a bit, plenty, heavy. What words describe something that contains a lot of a particular substance? high in, rich in. What words describe someone who makes many things? productive, prolific. What words refer to using or giving a lot of something? generous, liberal. What words describe a large number or amount? large, big, high, sizable, considerable, substantial, significant, generous, handsome, hefty. What words describe a very large number or amount? huge, enormous, vast, massive, colossal, goodly, immense, whopping.




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