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  • Use this domain for words related to the rain.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to the rain? rain, precipitation, rainfall. What does the rain do? rain (v), fall, pelt, splatter, drench, water (v). What words describe the weather when it is raining? rainy, wet. What words refer to when the rain stops? stop raining. What words describe how hard it is raining? sprinkle, drizzle, light rain, shower, pour, downpour, cloudburst, rainstorm, hard/heavy/driving rain, torrential, deluge, thundershower. What words describe when it rains a lot? rainy season, monsoon, the rains. What is a single drop of rain? raindrop, drop. What words refer to rain water on the ground? rainwater, puddle, run-off. What sound does the rain make? pitter-patter, drum, drip drip. What words refer to a rainbow? rainbow. What words refer to dew? dew, dewdrop, (ground is) damp with dew, moisture. What do people use to protect themselves from the rain? umbrella, raincoat, boot.




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