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Language and thought > Communication > Say > True > Tell the truth

Preferred term the truth  


  • Use this domain for words related to telling the truth.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to telling the truth? tell the truth, speak the truth, be honest, be open, be up front, play fair, level with, lay/put your cards on the table, testify, witness, reveal. What words describe a person who tells the truth? honest, truthful, sincere, straight, open, scrupulous, upright. What words refer to telling the truth without hiding anything? honest, to be honest, in all honesty, frank, candid, direct, straightforward, tell someone straight. What words refer to telling the truth without caring how other people feel? forthright, blunt, outspoken, bald, speak your mind, not beat about the bush, make no bones about, not mince your words, call a spade a spade, pull no punches. What words refer to the quality of telling the truth? honesty, integrity, truthfulness, scruples.




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