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  • Use this domain for words related to feeling indifferent about something.

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  • What words refer to feeling indifferent? not care, shrug it off, be on the fence, middle-of-the-road. What words refer to the feeling of indifference? indifference, neutrality, apathy, unconcern, lack of concern. What words describe someone who feels indifferent? indifferent, neutral, apathetic, unconcerned, unmoved, blasé, careless, lackadaisical, half-hearted, casual, offhand, nonchalant, gaily. What words refer to feeling very indifferent? not give a damn, couldn't care less, be past caring, for all I care. What words indicate that you don't care, because you will be happy no matter what happens? don't mind, not be fussy, it doesn't bother me. What words indicate that you used to care, but don't anymore because you are hurt or angry? be past caring, for all I care, not give a damn, couldn't care less. What words indicate that you don't care about someone else's problem? not my problem, not my concern, that's your problem, (that's just) tough. What expressions do people use when they don't care? What words refer to not being aware of other people's feelings? insensitive.




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