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Preferred term, divination  


  • Use this domain for words related to supernatural knowledge.

Scope note

  • What words refer to supernatural knowledge? supernatural knowledge, foreknowledge, supernatural insight, ability to interpret dreams. What words refer to being able to divine secrets? divine, read the signs, foretell the future. What words refer to the practice of divining secrets? divination, palmistry, fortune telling, astrology. What is a person called who can divine secrets? diviner, fortuneteller, astrologer. What words describe someone who can divine secrets? clairvoyant. What words refer to something showing what will happen in the future? augur, betoken, bode, forebode, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, ominous, portend, prefigure, presage. What words refer to something that shows or tells a secret? omen, sign, harbinger, portent, presage, foreshadowing, message from the beyond. What methods are used to divine secrets? interpret dreams, read palms, read tea leaves, read cards, read the stars, consult your horoscope, look into a crystal ball, play with a Ouija board, examine the entrails of an animal.




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