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Physical actions > Arrange

Preferred term



  • Use this domain for words referring to arranging things--to physically move a group of things or people and put them in a pattern.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to arranging things? arrange, align, array, dispose, lay out, line up, order, put in order, range, set out, concatenate. What words refer to the pattern in which things are arranged? arrangement, alignment, array, formation, order, ordering, pattern, row, disposition, distribution, gradation, grouping, layout, concatenation. What words refer to arranging things a second time, or arranging things after they have been mixed up? rearrange, rearrangement, reorder, reordering, reform, reformation. What words describe things that have been arranged? arranged, ordered, well-ordered, be in order, regular. What words refer to when everything is arranged? order.


  • 7.5


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