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States > Quantity > All > Exact > Approximate

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is approximate.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe a number or amount that is approximate? approximate, rough. What words describe something that is not exact? inexact, inaccurate, sort of, kind of. What words indicate that a particular number or amount is approximate? about, approximately, roughly, give or take, at a guess, somewhere in the region of, an estimated, some, something like, in round numbers, close to. What words indicate an approximate number when the actual number is possibly more? or so, odd, or more, at least, and maybe more, barely, hardly, little more than, scarcely. What words indicate an approximate number when the actual number is possibly less? at most, as much as, short of. What words refer to determining the approximate number of amount of something? approximate (v), estimate (v), overestimate, underestimate. What words refer to estimating a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, etc? rounded to the nearest ten/hundred/thousand, round up, round down. What words refer to a number that is approximate? estimate (n), approximation, ballpark figure, round figure. What words indicate that something happens at an approximate time? about, around, approximately, round about, or thereabouts, circa, some time. What words indicate that something happens at an approximate place? about, around, in the vicinity of, near, close to. What words describe something that is approximately the same as another thing? loose, vague, hazy, impressionistic, broad. What words indicate that something is done in approximately the right way? roughly, more or less, somewhat.




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