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States > Quality > Hot > Cold

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words describing something that is cold.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe something that is cold? cold, frozen, icy, glacial, hibernal, hiemal, hyperborean, marmoreal, unthawed. What words describe food that is cold? cold, cool, chilled, ice-cold, stone-cold. What words describe something that is cool? cool, crisp, refresh, unfrozen. What words describe a time or place that is cold? cold, the cold, frosty, wintry, cold spell, cold snap, frigid, bleak. What words describe a time or place that is cool? cool, chilly, drafty, nippy, fresh, crisp, bracing, chill. What words describe a time or place that is very cold? freezing, bitterly cold, arctic, subzero temperatures. What words describe a wind that is cold? freezing, bitter, biting, cutting, raw. What words refer to feeling cold? be cold, feel cold, look cold, freezing, frozen, feel the cold. What words refer to feeling cold because you are sick? get the chills, ague. What words refer to how cold something is? temperature, coldness, coolness. What words refer to something becoming cold? get cold, turn cold, drop, fall, cool down, cool, cool off, freeze, lose heat. What words refer to making something cold? cool something, chill, refrigerate, freeze something. What happens to things when they get cold? freeze, harden, brittle, frost-bound. What happens to people when they get cold? shiver, be blue with cold, goose pimples, goosebumps, gooseflesh, someone's teeth are chattering, frostbite, frostbitten, freeze to death, die of cold. What words describe clothes that make you feel cool? cool. What things do people use to stay cool when it is hot? fan, cooler, air-conditioning, air-conditioner, air-conditioned, refrigeration.




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