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States > Big

Preferred term



  • Use this domain for words describing something that is big.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe something that is big? big, large, biggish, bulky, fair-sized, be a fair size, good-sized, be a good size, bulky, grand, imposing, sizable, substantial. What words describe something that is very big? huge, enormous, massive, colossal, great, giant, gigantic, great big, be a whopper, be quite a size, astronomical, elephantine, mammoth, monstrous, monumental, prodigious, stupendous, tremendous, vast. What words refer to something that is big? mass, giant. What words refer to something becoming big? get bigger, expand, grow, swell up, stretch, inflate, increase in size, swell, mushroom. What words refer to part of something becoming big? branch, excrescence. What words refer to making something big? extend, stretch, enlarge, blow up, magnify, expand, inflate, augment. What words refer to the process of becoming big? enlargement, expansion, extension, growth, inflation, increase (n), magnification. What words describe something that has been made big? enlarged, swollen, inflated. What words refer to being bigger than another thing? bigger, biggest, larger, largest, greater, greatest. What words describe something that is much bigger than other things of the same type? outsized, giant, extra large. What words refer to how big something is? size, dimensions, magnitude. What words indicate how big something is? how big, measure (10 meters), be 10 meters long/wide/high. What words refer to measuring how big something is? measure. What words refer to a unit of size? cubic (inch, foot, yard). What instruments are used to measure the size of something? ruler, tape measure. What words describe a system of measures? metric. What words describe something that is not big or small? medium, average, medium-sized, average-sized, in between. What words refer to something being big on one side or end? flare, spread, lopsided, fan out. What words describe something that is too big? gross, outsized, overgrown, oversized, unwieldy.


  • 8.2


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