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  • Use this domain for words related to ignoring someone--to not look at, listen to, or talk to someone because you think they are not important or you don't like them.

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  • What words refer to ignoring someone? ignore, not pay any attention to, pay no attention to, not take any notice of, take no notice of, don't mind me/her/them, shrug off, not want to know, take someone for granted, avoid, refuse to acknowledge, don't greet. What words refer to ignoring something someone says to you? ignore, disregard, not take any notice of, not listen to, fall on deaf ears. What words refer to ignoring something bad that is happening? overlook, let it pass, turn a blind eye, shut your eyes to, close your eyes, bury your head in the sand. What words refer to ignoring someone by rudely pretending not to see them? pretend not to notice, pretend not to see, look right through, snub, cut someone dead, shut out. What words refer to a person in authority ignoring what is good for the people under them? trample on, trample underfoot, ride roughshod over.




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