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  • Use this domain for words referring to studying--to try to learn something.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to studying something? study, analyze, check, concern yourself with, consider, determine, examine, experiment (v), follow, inquire into, investigate, learn, look into/for, look something up, probe, prowl, seek, search, research, study, test, trace, track, trail, try to find out about. What words refer to the process of trying to learn something? evaluation, examination, experiment (n), investigation, inquiry, quest, study, search. What words refer to the subject that is being studied? subject, topic, question. What words refer to studying something a second time? review, revise (British). What words refer to a person who studies something? astronomer, biologist, botanist, detective, investigator, linguist, mathematician, operative, reconnoiterer, scientist, scout, spy, undercover agent, zoologist. What words describe someone who likes to study? studious, inquisitive.




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