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Daily life > Fire > What fires produce

Preferred term

5.5.5What fires produce  


  • Use this domain for words related to the things that fires produce.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What do fires produce? flames, heat, light, smoke, fumes, exhaust, sparks, ash, soot. What words refer to a fire giving off something? to smoke, give off sparks, send up sparks, give off heat, glow. What words refer to smoke? smoke, smoky, blue with smoke, haze, smog. What do sparks do? shoot up, fly out, land on things. What sounds do fires make? crackle, pop, hiss, roar of the flames. What words refer to wood after it has been burning? embers, coals, live coals. What is left behind by a fire? ash, blackened wood, charred remains. What words refer to the material that is left on things near a fire? soot. What words refer to an area of ground that has been burned? burn (n), burned off area.


  • 5.5.5


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