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Preferred term, shore  


  • Use this domain for words referring to land in contrast with the sea or river.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to the land in contrast to the sea? land (and sea), dry land, mainland, continent, inland, interior, terrestrial. What words refer to an island? island, isle, islet, archipelago, atoll, key. What words are used of the edge of a lake or sea? shore, beach, coast, coastal, coastland, seaboard, seashore, shoreline, foreshore, edge, strand, reef, coral reef, water-front, strip. What words refer to a bay? bay, gulf, cove, fjord, harbor, inlet, lagoon, sound, strait, port. What words refer to a peninsula? peninsula, promontory, cape. What words are used of the edge of a river? bank, riverbank, levee, sandbar, embankment. What words describe something near water? seaside, beachfront, lakeside, bordering. What words refer to a place where the water is shallow? shallows, shoal.




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