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  • Use this domain for words referring to something happening first--to be before all other things in order or time.

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  • What words describe something that is first in order or time? first, original, initial, earliest, inaugural, prime. What words indicate an event or action that is first? first (adv), first of all, beginning with, starting with. What words indicate that something happened when you first saw something? at first sight, at first glance. What words indicate that something is the first in a list of things that you will talk about? firstly, first of all, to start with, to begin with, in the first place. What words indicate that something happens or is done for the first time? first, the first time. What words refer to the first time someone does something? debut, premiere, maiden (voyage). What words describe something that has never happened before? unprecedented, a first. What words refer to doing something that has never been done before? be the first to do something, show the way, lead the way, pioneer, break new ground. What words refer to being the first person to do something in a situation instead of waiting for someone else? make the first move, take the initiative. What words refer to the person who did something first? pioneer, the first. What words refer to something that is the first of its kind? prototype, original (n).




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