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Social behavior > Behavior > Self-controlled

Preferred term



  • Use this domain for words referring to self-control--deciding not to do something that you want to do, because you think it would be bad to do it; or deciding to do something, because you know it is good.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe someone who is self-controlled? self-controlled, ascetic, austere, careful, conscientious, controlled, disciplined, discreet, moderate, provident, prudent, puritanical, restrained, sober-minded, stoic, tempered, tolerant, unsparing. What words refer to a self-controlled person? ascetic, conformist, moderate, puritan, stoic. What words refer to being self-controlled? abstain, behave, behave yourself, constrain, contain yourself, control yourself, discipline yourself, forbear, forgo, restrain yourself, say no, tolerate. What words refer to the quality of being self-controlled? self-control, abnegation, abstention, abstinence, asceticism, constraint, discipline, equanimity, forbearance, moderation, poise, reserve, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety, stoicism, sufferance, temperance, tolerance, toleration. What words refer to controlling your feelings? keep your temper, calm and collected, composed, composure, forbearing, unexcitable, long-suffering, poised, reserved, staid, steady, unexcited. What words refer to controlling your eating? put a knife to your throat. What words refer to controlling your desire to drink alcohol? stay sober, go on the wagon. What words refer to controlling your desire to spend money? frugal, frugality, thrifty, thrift.


  • 4.3.6


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