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Social behavior > Behavior > Admire someone

Preferred term

4.3.2Admire someone  


  • Use this domain for words related to admiring someone--to feel good about someone because you think that he is a good person.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to admiring a person? admire, be an admirer of, accept, approve of, esteem (v), hold in someone in high esteem, look up to, have a high opinion of, hold someone in high regard, respect, respectful, think highly of, think well of, hold in honor. What words refer to admiring someone very much? idolize, revere, worship, put someone on a pedestal, hero-worship. What words refer to what someone thinks of a person, either good or bad? estimation, opinion, regard. What words refer to the thought or feeling that someone is good? admiration, adulation, esteem (n), respect. What words refer to a person who is admired? idol, hero, heroine. What words describe someone who is admired? admirable, estimable, honorable, idolized.


  • 4.3.2


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