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Preferred term up  


  • Use this domain for words referring to moving in an upward direction or to moving to a higher place.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to moving up? move up, go up, arise, hop up, lift yourself up, pull yourself up, jump, surge, go higher, get higher, levitate. What words refer to moving up through the air? rise, ascend, gain height. What words refer to moving up into the air quickly? fly up, soar, shoot up. What words refer to climbing? climb, scale, clamber, shin up, shinny up. What words refer to moving onto something? climb onto, get on, mount, embark, hop onto, jump onto. What words refer to climbing over something? climb over. What words refer to the sun or moon moving up in the sky? come up, rise. What words refer to an airplane moving up? leave the ground, take off, lift off, blast-off, launch. What words refer to the act of moving up? rise (n), ascension, ascent. What words refer to someone who moves up? climber, mountaineer, mountain climber, rock-climber. What words refer to the sport of climbing? climbing, mountaineering, go climbing, rock-climbing.




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