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  • Use this domain for words referring to oil.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What general words refer to oil? oil, grease, lubricant. What types of oil are there? petroleum, petrol, gasoline, gas, diesel, kerosene, paraffin, crude oil, mineral oil, ointment, liniment, lotion, Vaseline, glycerin. What types of oil are made from plants and animals? vegetable oil, cream, lard, fat, wax, tallow, beeswax, soap. What words describe oil? oily, greasy, slippery, slick, slimy, smooth, lubricating, fatty, gummy, mucous, soapy. What words refer to some oil on something? drop of oil, oil slick, blob, glob, soap (v). What words refer to putting oil on something? lubricate, lubrication, lube, oil (v), anoint, rub, salve, slick, smear, grease (v).




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