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  • Use this domain for words related to a road.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What types of roads are there? road, street, lane, path, footpath, way, avenue, boulevard, highway, freeway, thoroughfare, divided highway, paved road, dirt road, improved road, unimproved road. What words are used to describe when two roads come together? corner, cross street, fork, intersection, juncture, pedestrian crossing, interchange, overpass, underpass, exit. What words refer to a bridge? bridge. What words refer to a tunnel? tunnel. What are the parts of a road? center line, shoulder, edge, median, lane, passing lane, bed, roadbed, surface, pavement, sidewalk, curb. What words are used for the signs and markers on a road? sign, signpost, marker, line, speed bump, reflector. What words are used for making a road? build a road, lay a new road, build up the bed, pave. What words are used to describe a bad road? pothole, road gone to pot, rutted, washboard, dusty, rough, broken pavement, cracked pavement, worn pavement, full of holes, in need of repair. What words are used of fixing a road? road repairs, repaving, repairing, fixing, detour, fill holes, patching holes. What words refer to people and vehicles traveling on a road? traffic.




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