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  • Use this domain for words describing something that many people like.

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  • What words describe something that is fashionable? fashionable, be in fashion, be the fashion, in, be the in thing, chic, cult, designer, be the latest thing, be all the rage, trendy, be in vogue. What words describe someone who has fashionable things? fashionable, trendy. What words refer to something becoming fashionable? come into fashion, come in, make a comeback. What words refer to making something fashionable? set the fashion, set the trend, bring in. What words refer to something that is fashionable? fashion, trend, vogue, the latest thing. What words refer to something that is fashionable for a short time? fad, craze. What words refer to the business of making fashionable things? fashion. What words describe something that is not fashionable? be out of fashion, out, unfashionable, old-fashioned. What words refer to something becoming unfashionable? go out, date.




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