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States > Time > Aspectual time > Age > Old fashioned

Preferred term fashioned  


  • Use this domain for words describing something old fashioned--something that was done or used in the past, but not done or used now.

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  • What words describe something that is old fashioned? old-fashioned, unfashionable, antiquated, archaic, outdated, out of date, outmoded, outworn. What words describe something that is old fashioned and no longer used? antiquated, dated, fusty, early type/form of, obsolete, primitive. What words describe an old fashioned idea or way of doing something? old, customary, inveterate, passé, traditional, tried and true, well-trodden. What words describe something that is so old fashioned that people think it is stupid? medieval, out of the ark, dinosaur, anachronism, archaic. What words describe something that is old fashioned but people still like it? quaint, old-time, of the old school, olde worlde. What words refer to something becoming old fashioned? be on the way out, fall into disuse. What words refer to making something old fashioned by doing the same thing a new way? antiquate, render obsolete. What words describe someone who is old fashioned in the way they think or act? old fashioned, be behind the times, be living in the past, reactionary, straitlaced. What words refer to someone who is old fashioned? fuddy-duddy, old fogy, old guard, traditionalist.




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