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States > Quality > Shape > Bend

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words referring to bending something and for words that describe something that is bent or curved.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to bending something? bend, bow, flex, curve, put a kink in. What words refer to something bending? bend, buckle, curl, sag, warp. What words describe something that is bent? bent, arched, bowed, crinkled, curved, curving, curled, devious, gnarled, gnarly, hooked, indirect, jagged, kinked, knotted, knotty, knurled, knurly, turning, twirled, twisted. What words describe something that should be straight but is bent? akimbo, askew, awry, bandy, catawampus, contorted, crooked, deviating, distorted, skewed, tortuous, warped. What words refer to a bend in something? bend, bow, curve, kink, loop, angle, joint. What words refer to making many bends in something? corrugate. What words describe something that has many bends? circuitous, coiled, convoluted, corrugated, curly, curvy, kinky, meandering, pretzel, serpentine, serrated, sinuous, snaky, spiral, tortuous, twisting, undulating, waved, waving, wavy, wind, winding, zigzag. What words refer to a line or road that is bent? bend, curve, twist. What words describe something that can be bent? bendable, flexible, flexibility, jointed, pliable, plastic, supple. What words describe something that cannot be bent? unbending, inflexible, inflexibility, rigid, rigidity.




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