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  • Use this domain for words referring to mistakes--something bad that someone does by accident.

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  • What words refer to a mistake? mistake, error, slip, mix-up, slip-up, oversight, aberration. What words refer to a mistake in writing or speaking? mistake, misprint, spelling mistake, slip of the tongue, error, typographical error, typo. What words refer to a serious mistake in judgment or planning? mistake, miscalculation, misjudgment, error of judgment, be a bad move, blunder, bad tactics, muddle, confusion, mess something up, make a mess of something. What words refer to an embarrassing mistake? put your foot in it, faux pas, gaffe, boo-boo, indiscretion. What words refer to making a mistake? make a mistake, make an error, mistake something, go wrong, get something wrong, blunder, goof, goof up, slip up, misjudge, bungle. What words describe something done by mistake? by mistake, mistaken, mistakenly, in error, erroneously. What words refer to mistaking one thing or person for another? mistake something, confuse, mix someone up with, get something mixed up, muddle. What words refer to causing someone to make a mistake? trip someone up, catch someone out. What do you say when you make a mistake? oops.




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