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States > Quality > Light > Color

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  • Use this domain for words related to color.

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Scope note

  • What words refer to color? color, shade, tint, hue, coloring, pigment, tincture, cast, palette, coloration, complexion, chroma, chromatic, tone. What words indicate that something is a particular color? be red/green, be a red/reddish color, colored, tinted. What words describe something that is a dark color? dark, deep, rich. What words describe something that is a light color? light (adj), pale, pastel, faint, livid, lurid, pallid, pallor, pale-faced, neutral tint. What words describe something that is a bright color? bright, brightly colored, brilliant, pure, gaudy, garish, vivid, flashy, fresh, intense, strong, hot. What words describe something that is a dull color? dull, faded, washed out, drab, dingy, flushed, clouded, grayish, somber. What words describe something, such as a photograph, that has been made with color? color (photograph), in color. What words describe something that has no color or is black and white? colorless, black and white, uncolored, monochrome, achromatic, ghostly, glassy, lackluster, undyed. What words refer to the intensity of a color? value, intensity, saturation. What words refer to pure or mixed colors? pure, mixed, tinge, primary color, secondary color, tertiary color. What words describe colors that look good together? go together, go with, suit you, color scheme, complimentary. What words describe colors that do not look good together? clash. What words describe someone who cannot see color? color-blind. What words refer to a color or pattern of colors used by a group of people to identify themselves? livery, tartan, team colors.




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