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  • Use this domain for words describing something happening late--after the expected time, after the usual time, or after the time that was agreed on.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words indicate that something happens late? late (adv), not on time, lateness (of the hour), late in life. What words describe something that happens late? late (adj), overdue, belated. What words describe someone who is late? tardy, latecomer. What do people say to someone who is late? about time too, what time do you call this? where have you been? better late than never. What words refer to being late to pay back a loan? be behind with, overdue, be in arrears. What words indicate that something happens late at night? last thing at night, in the middle of the night, the early hours, till all hours. What words refer to not finishing something within the time that is allowed? be behind, be behind schedule, be running late, overrun. What words indicate that something is too late? too late, it's a little late in the day, leave it a bit late, miss. What words indicate that something will happen no later than a particular time? no later than, at the latest.




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