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Daily life > Fire > Extinguish a fire

Preferred term

5.5.3Extinguish a fire  


  • Use this domain for all the ways a person can stop a fire.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to a fire stopping? die down, go out, burn itself out. What general words are used of a person stopping a fire? extinguish, put out (a fire), fight (a fire), stub out (a cigarette). What words are used of stopping a fire with water? douse (a fire), quench (a fire). What words are used of stopping a fire by blowing on it? blow out (a candle). What words are used of stopping a fire by covering it? smother (a fire), snuff out (a flame). What words refer to a person whose job is to stop fires? fireman, firefighter. What equipment is used to stop a fire? fire engine, fire truck, fire extinguisher.


  • 5.5.3


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