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  • Use this domain for words related to defending someone from attack.

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  • What words refer to defending yourself from attack? defend, fight back, hit back at, put up a fight, struggle against, resist, self-defense. What words refer to defending someone from attack? defend, come to someone's defense, in defense of, in someone's defense, guard, protect, safeguard, shield, stand up for, stick up for. What words refer to successfully defending yourself or someone? beat back, beat off, drive off, hold out against, fend off, fight off, fling back, repel, repulse. What words refer to defense? defense, resistance. What words refer to a person who defends? defender, guard, sentinel, lookout, watchman. What words describe someone who cannot defend himself? defenseless. What words describe something you do or use to defend yourself? defensive, protective. What words refer to a place easier to defend? fortify, entrench, dig in.




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