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  • Use this domain for imagining things--to think about something that does not exist, or to think about something happening that has never happened.

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  • What words refer to imagining things? imagine, conceive of, dream up, envisage, hypothesize, invent, picture (in your mind), form a picture, make up, see, suppose, think of, think up, visualize. What words refer to imagining something that you would like to do? daydream (v), dream about, dream of, fantasize, live in a fantasy world. What words refer to imagining things that do not exist? imagine, be in the mind, be in your mind, be seeing things, hallucinate. What words refer to the ability to imagine? imagination, vivid imagination, fertile imagination, creativity, inventiveness, vision. What words refer to a person who imagines? creative genius, dreamer, visionary. What words describe someone who imagines? imaginative, creative (person). What words refer to something that someone imagines? image, conception, conceptualization, creation, daydream (n), dream, fancy, flight of fancy, fantasy, fiction, figment of your imagination, hallucination, hypothesis, invention, make believe, picture, unreality, vision, visualization. What words describe something that someone has imagined? imaginary, abstract, conceptual, creative (thought), fanciful, fictional, hypothetical, unreal, nonexistent, doesn't exist. What words describe someone who does not imagine? unimaginative, uncreative. What words describe something that cannot be imagined? unimaginable, inconceivable.




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