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States > Quality > Texture > Furrow

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words related to a furrow--a long mark cut into the surface of something, such as the furrow made by a plow, or a long cut made by a knife.

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Scope note

  • What words refer to a furrow? furrow, groove, rut, scratch, crack, score, incision, slit, chamfer, channel, gutter, trench, ditch, moat, trough, seam, line, fold, wrinkle. What words refer to making a furrow? furrow, plow, incise, score, cut, seam, cut a channel, engrave, etch, bite in. What words describe something with many furrows? furrowed, ribbed, striated, fluted, corduroy, corrugated, rippled, washboard, wrinkled.




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