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Concept information

Physical actions > Arrange > Multiple things moving

Preferred term

7.5.7Multiple things moving  


  • Use this domain for words referring to multiple things moving.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to more than one thing moving in the same direction? move together, move parallel. What words refer to more than one thing moving away from each other? disperse, thin out, melt away, break up, spread out, diverge, permeate. What words refer to more than one thing moving toward each other? gather, collect, form, mass, congregate, converge, close (v), close in on, concentrate, crowd in. What words refer to more than one thing meeting? meet, come together, unite, crash, collide. What words refer to the place where things come together? meeting point, focal point, focus, confluence. What words refer to more than one thing moving around in a place? crowd, fill, mill around, swarm.


  • 7.5.7


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