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  • Use this domain for words related to betraying someone.

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Scope note

  • What words refer to betraying someone to his enemies? betray, double-cross, stab in the back, sell out, sell someone down the river. What words refer to handing someone over to his enemies? hand over, deliver. What words refer to telling secrets to an enemy? blab, inform on, rat on, snitch, squeal, tattle. What words refer to betraying your country? betray, turn traitor, collaborate, treason. What words refer to the action of betraying someone? betrayal, sell-out, treachery, treason. What words describe something someone does when betraying someone? treasonous (action), subversive (activity). What words refer to a person who betrays someone? betrayer, collaborator, informant, informer, Judas, rat, renegade, saboteur, snitch, squealer, subversive, tattle-tale, traitor. What words describe someone who betrays someone? treacherous.




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