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  • Use this domain for words indicating that something seems to be a certain way--you see (or hear) something and think something about it, but you are not sure that what you think is true.

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  • What words indicate that something seems to be a certain way, but you are unsure? seem, appear, look, sound, give the impression, have a (certain) look, come across as, show signs of, strike someone as, have all the hallmarks of, an air of, give the impression. What words indicate that someone seems to be doing something, or something seems to be happening? seem, appear. What words indicate that something seems to be happening, or something seems to be true? it seems, it appears, it looks as if, apparently, to all appearances, by all appearances, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, outwardly. What words describe something, such as a feeling or quality, that someone or something seems to have? apparent, seeming, superficial. What words indicate that, because something seems to be a certain way, you think something is true? judging by, judging from, going by, from, from the way, you'd think, anyone would think. What words indicate that someone or something is not what it seems to be? there's more to someone/something than meets the eye, deceptive, deceptively, not be what you/it seem. What words refer to what you think or feel because of what someone or something seems? impression, feeling. What words refer to the way something seems to appear? appearance, semblance of.




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