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  • Use this domain for words describing something that is the same thing as you just mentioned, or describing two things that are exactly the same.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to the same person or thing, not a different one? the same, the very same, the self-same, one and the same, common. What words describe two things that are the same? same, identical, indistinguishable, can't tell the difference, can't tell them apart, be no different from, match, be a carbon copy, word for word, be synonymous with, be no better than, be nothing more than. What words indicate that two numbers or amounts are the same? the same, equal, equivalent, even, level. What words describe someone or something that is the same as before? be the same, unchanged, hasn't changed a bit, hasn't changed at all, unaffected. What words describe someone or something that never changes? the same, consistent, unchanging, constant. What words describe something that is the same in all its parts? uniform, homogeneous. What words refer to making all the things in a group the same? standardize, bring something into line. What words indicate that two things that people said are the same? correspond, be consistent with, agree, tally, coincide, match up. What words indicate that something in one group is the same in some way as something in another group? corresponding, equivalent, counterpart, opposite number. What words refer to thinking the same as someone else? like-minded, be on the same wavelength, be in tune with, be in harmony. What words indicate that a part of one thing is the same as part of something else? overlap. What words indicate that two things are the same in some way? equally, of equal, equal in, just as,, every bit as, even, evenly. What words refer to saying that two things are the same in some way? equate.




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