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Person > Life > Marriage > Romantic love

Preferred term love  


  • Use this domain for words related to romantic love.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words refer to loving someone? love, be in love. What words refer to starting to love someone? fall in love, love at first sight, be swept off your feet, be interested in, fancy. What words refer loving someone very much? be madly in love, be head over heels in love, infatuated, have a crush on, be mad about, be crazy about, be besotted. What words refer to the feeling of love? love, passion, romance. What words describe something someone says or does when they love someone? passionate, romantic. What words refer to someone you love? lovers, the one you love, the love of your life. What words refer to doing something with someone you love? date, go out with, see someone, ask out, ask someone for a date. What do people call someone that they love? love, dear, honey, darling, dearest, sweetheart. What words refer to problems between people who love each other? hurt someone, break someone's heart, grow apart, break up. What words refer to loving each other again after having problems? make up, get back together.




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