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Person > Sense, perceive > See > Show, let someone see

Preferred term, let someone see  


  • Use this domain for words related to showing something to someone so that they can see it--to cause someone to see something.

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Scope note

  • What words refer to showing something to someone? show, let someone see, let someone have a look, present, produce, flash. What words refer to showing something by moving something that has been covering it? show, expose, reveal. What words refer to showing something that you are proud of? show off, flourish, parade, flaunt. What words refer to showing someone where something is? show, point out, point to, mark, indicate. What words refer to showing something to a lot of people? show, display, put something on show, put something on display, exhibit, be on show, be on display, unveil. What words refer to an event when something is shown? show (n), exhibition, display, presentation, showing. What words refer to what is shown? display, exhibit.




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