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Social behavior > Law > Trial > Investigate a crime

Preferred term a crime  


  • Use this domain for words referring to investigating a crime, accident, or criminal--to try to learn something about something bad that has happened because you want to know who did it, or to try to learn something about someone because you think they did something bad.

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Scope note

  • What words refer to investigating a crime or accident? investigate, look into, inquire, hold an inquiry, conduct an inquiry, make inquiries, go into, probe, delve into, be under investigation, examine, obtain evidence. What words refer to investigating someone to know if they have done something wrong? obtain evidence, poke around, snoop, surprise, try, question. What words refer to the process of investigation? investigation, inquiry, inquest, inquiries, probe, inquisition, post-mortem, autopsy. What words refer to knowledge about a crime? evidence, facts, proof. What words refer to finding out that someone committed a crime? catch, detect, entrap, catch red-handed, trap, trip up, find out, prove. What words refer to a person who investigates a crime? investigator, private investigator, detective, private detective, inquisitor, private eye.




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