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  • Use this domain for words related to buildings and other large structures that people build.

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  • What types of buildings are there? building, structure, construction, kitchen house, bathhouse, outhouse, latrine, outbuilding, bank, elevator, gallery, garage, gazebo, hospital, library, lighthouse, mausoleum, museum, outbuilding, observatory, pavilion, pyramid, rotunda, skyscraper, tabernacle, tower. What kinds of buildings are used by animals? barn, shed, hen house, coop, kennel, pound, doghouse, stable. What kinds of buildings are used for work and to make things? office, factory, shop, laboratory, plant, greenhouse. What kinds of buildings are used to store things? barn, granary, grain silo, warehouse, storehouse, safe, shed, treasury. What kinds of buildings are used to sell things? store, shop, shopping center, mall, kiosk, supermarket. What kinds of buildings are used by the government? courthouse, Parliament house, government headquarters, castle, palace. What kinds of buildings are used by the police? police station, jail, prison, jailhouse, cell. What kinds of buildings are used by the military? military base, guardhouse, barracks, fort, blockhouse, bomb shelter, watchtower, lookout, bunker. What kinds of buildings are used by travelers? station, railroad station, bus station, gas station, petrol station, rest area, parking lot. What kinds of buildings are used by travelers for sleeping? hotel, motel, inn, hostel, lodge. What kinds of buildings are used by travelers for eating? restaurant, bar, pub, tavern. What kinds of buildings are found at airports? hangar, control tower, terminal. What kinds of buildings are used for meetings? assembly hall, auditorium, center, hall, community center. What kinds of buildings are used for watching games and shows? theater, cinema, stadium, amphitheater, arena, ballpark, bullring, coliseum, racetrack, hippodrome. What kinds of buildings are used for schools? school, schoolhouse, university, library, dormitory, conservatory. What kinds of buildings are used in religion? church, synagogue, mosque, temple, shrine, cathedral, monastery, convent, cloister, nunnery, abbey, chapel, parsonage, sanctuary, basilica, pagoda, tabernacle. What kinds of buildings are made to remind people of something or someone? monument, megalith, mound, obelisk, ziggurat. What words describe different kinds of buildings? enclosed, open, multi-story, high-rise.


  • 6.5.1


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