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  • Use this domain for words related to visiting someone.

Scope note

  • What words refer to going to someone's place to see them? visit, pay a visit, call, call on, drop by, drop in on, go round, make the rounds, look in on, see, spend time with, stop by. What words refer to the event of visiting someone? visit, appointment, interview, stay, time with, visitation. What words refer to agreeing to visit? make an appointment, arrange a visit. What words refer to visiting over a night? stay overnight, stay with, have a sleepover. What words refer to a visitor? visitor, guest, houseguest, overnight visitor, caller. What words refer to the person visited? host, hostess. What words refer to a visitor who stays for a long time but doesn't pay or help with the work? freeload, freeloader, sponge, sponger.




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