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Preferred term about, subject  


  • Use this domain for words that express the idea that something (said, written, thought, or made) depicts or is about a subject, or that something is logically related to some topic. Also use this domain for words that mark the topic or subject of what is being thought about, talked about, or written about. Verbs of thinking, knowing, or speaking (including other types of expression) can take a 'topic' role. We can think of a 'topic' as the main idea. Use this domain also for the important thing in a picture.

Scope note

  • What words refer to being about something or someone? be about something, concern, deal with, be concerned with, center on, focus on, address, cover, depict, discuss, dwell on, present, portray, treat. What words indicate what something is about? about, on, concerning, on the subject of, regarding, re, with regard to, in, of. What words refer to the thing something is about? subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing.




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