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  • Use this domain for words related to humor.

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  • What words refer to humor in general? humor, comedy, comic relief, fun, caprice, fooling, kidding, joshing, wittiness, salt, whim, drollery, jocularity, levity, mirth. What words refer to a person's sense of humor (ability to joke)? sense of humor, (have a real) funny bone, (be/have a great) wit. What words refer to something said humorously? joke, pun, play on words, word play, riddle, jest, gag, wisecrack, witticism, pleasantry, banter, badinage, retort, repartee, riposte, ridicule, quip, one-liner, flash of wit, comeback, gag, crack. What words refer to something done humorously? joke, play a joke on, prank, play a prank on, farce, clowning, fooling around, tomfoolery, buffoonery, horseplay, monkey business. What words describe something that is humorous? humorous, funny, hilarious, hysterical, silly, comical, ludicrous, amusing, comic, absurd, facetious, droll, laughable, zany. What is a person called who jokes? comedian, humorist, joker, jokester, wit, wag, comic, clown, jester, buffoon, punster, fool, practical joker, gagman, wisecracker. What words are used of joking? to joke, be witty, jest, crack a joke, make pun, to pun, make fun of, make sport of, retort, banter, kid, wisecrack, come back at, josh, clown. What words describe a person's sense of humor? witty, comic, jocular, droll, smart, dry wit, slapstick, fun, facetious, waggish, comical, salty. What words describe a person who jokes? witty, quick-witted, smart, jocular, droll, funny, waggish, facetious, whimsical, humorous, comic. What words indicate the joking manner in which a person acts or speaks? humorously, jokingly, jestingly, in jest, in sport, in play, in fun, not seriously.


  • 4.2.8


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