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States > Time > Aspectual time > Age > Old, not new

Preferred term, not new  


  • Use this domain for words describing something old--a word describing something that has existed for a long time.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe something that is old? old, older, oldest, dated, late. What words describe something that is very old? age-old, be as old as the hills, ancestral, ancient, be around from time immemorial. What words describe something that is old and belongs to an early period of history? primeval, antediluvian, mediaeval, primordial. What words describe something that is old and good? antique, classical, time-honored, vintage. What words describe something that is old and not good? crumbling, declining, decrepit, dowdy, effete, faded, past its prime, rusty, worn out. What words describe something that has been used and is no longer new? old, used, second hand, worn, time-worn. What words describe food that is old? stale, decayed. What words describe an organization that has existed for a long time? old, has a long history. What words describe something that people have known about for a long time? old hat. What words describe an experience or feeling that you have had before? familiar. What words describe someone who has been in a place for a long time or has worked at a job for a long time? old-timer, old hand, no stranger (to these parts). What words refer to something being older than other things like it? outgrow, outlive, outwear. What words describe something or someone that has been replaced by a new one? old, former. What words refer to changing something that is new, so that it looks like it is old? antique (v), antiquate, give something an antique look. What words refer to something that is old? antique, antiquities.




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