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  • Use this domain for birds (phylum Chordata, class Aves).

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  • What general words refer to birds? bird, fowl, poultry. What words refer to kinds of birds? bird of prey, songbird, flightless bird, flying, water bird, arboreal, domesticated, insectivorous, migratory, nocturnal, oceanic, predator, raptor, seabird, songbird, shorebird, waterfowl. What species of bird are there? accipiter, accipitrine, anhinga, albatross, aquiline, auk, avocet, bittern, blackbird, blackcap, bluebird, blue jay, bobolink, bobwhite, booby, brant, bullfinch, bunting, bustard, buteo, buzzard, canary, caracara, cardinal, cassowary, catbird, chat, chickadee, chicken, cock, cockatoo, cormorant, condor, coot, crane, crepuscular, crow, cuckoo, curlew, cygnet, dove, drake, duck, duckling, dunlin, eagle, eaglet, egret, eider, emu, erne, falcon, fieldfare, finch, flamingo, flicker, flycatcher, fulmar, gallinule, gander, gannet, gnatcatcher, goatsucker, godwit, goldfinch, goose, goshawk, gosling, grackle, grebe, grouse, gull, gyrfalcon, hawk, hen, heron, hoopoe, hummingbird, ibis, jackdaw, jaeger, jay, junco, kea, kingbird, kingfisher, kite, kittiwake, kiwi, lapwing, lark, loon, lovebird, lyrebird, macaw, magpie, mallard, martin, merganser, mew, moa, mockingbird, myna, mynah, nighthawk, nightjar, nonpasserine, nuthatch, oriole, oscine, osprey, ostrich, owl, parakeet, passerine, parrot, partridge, peacock, peafowl, peahen, peewit, pelican, penguin, peregrine, petrel, pewee, pewit, phalarope, pheasant, pigeon, pintail, pipit, plover, ptarmigan, puffin, quail, quetzal, rail, ratite, raven, redbird, rhea, ricebird, ringdove, robin, rooster, rook, runner, sandpiper, sapsucker, scoter, seagull, shearwater, shelduck, siskin, skua, snipe, snowbird, sparrow, spoonbill, squab, starling, stilt, stork, swallow, swan, swift, tailorbird, tanager, teal, tern, thrasher, thrush, tit, titmouse, towhee, trumpeter, tumbler, turkey, turnstone, turtledove, vireo, vulture, vulturine, wading, warbler, waxwing, weaverbird, whistler, willet, woodcock, woodpecker, wren, yellowhammer, yellowlegs, yellowthroat. What words describe birds? long-necked, short-necked, long-winged, zygodactyl.




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