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  • Use this domain for functions of the heart and blood veins.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What are the parts of the heart? heart, chamber, atrium, ventricle, valve, cardiac. What are the parts of the blood vessels? circulatory system, blood vessel, aorta, vein, venous, artery, arterial, capillary, jugular, pericardium, pericardial. What words refer to the heart beating? beat (v), thump, throb. What words refer to the heart beating quickly? pound, race, rapid heart beat. What words refer to the heart beating in a bad way? heart murmur, irregular heart beat, skip a beat. What words refer to the heartbeat? beat (n), heartbeat, pulse, rhythm. What words refer to listening to the heart beating? take someone's pulse, listen to someone's heartbeat, feel for a pulse. What words refer to the heart moving blood? pump. What words refer to blood moving through the veins? flow, circulate, blood pressure. What words refer to the heart stopping? stop beating, heart attack.




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