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States > Quality > Shape > Horizontal

Preferred term  


  • Use this domain for words describing a horizontal orientation in relation to the ground or something that is level--a flat surface that does not rise in any direction. A person is horizontal when he is sleeping. A field is level when it is not on a hill and it has no uneven areas in it.

Broader concept

Scope note

  • What words describe something in a horizontal position? horizontal, prone, prostrate, longwise, flat on the ground, on its side, lie, prone, flush, on an even keel, on the level, parallel to the ground. What words refer to becoming horizontal? fall on your face, fall prone, prostrate oneself, get horizontal, fall flat, hit the dirt, lay flat. What words refer to causing something to be horizontal? lay something flat, lay something down, align. What words describe a surface that is level? level (adj), even (adj), flat. What words refer to making something level? make level, level (v).




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