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Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

States > Quantity > Plural > Group of things

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung of things  


  • Use this domain for words that refer to a group of things.



  • What words refer to a group of things? group, collection, lot, cluster, clump, assortment, accumulation, aggregate, bits-and-pieces, nuts-and-bolts, odds-and-ends, stockpile, system, volley, wares. What words refer to a group of things that belong together? set, batch, suit. What words refer to a group of things that are tied or joined together? bundle, bunch, sheaf, pack, package, packet, string of. What words refer to a group of things that are put on top of each other? pile, stack, heap. What words refer to a group of things that are moved together? cargo, contents, freight, goods, lading, load. What words indicate that something is a member of a group? member, one of, part of, belong to, go with.





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