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Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Healthy > Disabled

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung



  • Use this domain for general words for being disabled--to be injured or born with a condition, so that some part of your body does not work.



  • What words refer to being disabled? be disabled, have special needs, be crippled, be lame, be paralyzed, have a withered arm. What words refer to disabling someone? disable, handicap (v), cripple, paralyze, maim, mutilate, disfigure. What words refer to the condition of being disabled? disability, handicap (n), disfigurement, mutilation, paralysis, palsy. What words refer to a disabled person? the disabled, people with disabilities, the handicapped, cripple (n), lame (n), paraplegic (legs only), quadriplegic (all four limbs), paralytic. What words describe someone who has been disabled? disabled, handicapped, crippled, paralyzed, partially paralyzed, totally paralyzed, maimed, disfigured, mutilated, lame. What things are used by a crippled person? crutch, cane, wheelchair, walker, stretcher, pallet.


  • 2.5.4



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